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List Price: HK$ 80.00

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¡@ISBN 9780330441667
¡@Subject FICTION
¡@Publisher PAN BOOKS UK
¡@Publication 2006
¡@Edition Paperback
¡@Version Original
¡@Description Whilst mourning the death of his father, courtroom journalist Stewart Dubin decides to research the life of a man he always respected, always admired, but possibly never quite knew¡K As a young, idealistic lawyer during the last terrible months of the Second World War, David Dubin is sent to the European Front ¡V ostensibly to bring charges against American hero, Robert Martin, who has inexplicably gone local and stopped following orders. Martin has become a liability and the authorities want him neutralized. But as Dubin learns more about Martin and the demons possessing him, he finds himself captivated by Martin¡¦s enigmatic ex-mistress ¡V a woman of incredible courage and dangerous anger. And someone who will do anything to protect her comrade-in-arms¡K
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