Lady Salisbury has been a gardener since, as a child in the 1930s, she cultivated tiny patches of her parents' gardens in Ireland and the West of England. Later, as chatelaine first of Cranborne Manor and then of Hatfield House, she revived two of the great historic gardens of England. Renowned for her depth of scholarship and her design skill, she has also led the way in as a pioneer of organic gardening. Now in her eighties, she not only continues to tend her garden in Provence, she is also making a roof garden for her house in Chelsea, and designing gardens for clients in England, Ireland, Italy and the United States.
This book, written by one of the greatest gardeners of our time, is a lively, anecdotal account of her life and her experience as a gardener. It passes on gardening knowledge acquired over a lifetime and includes invaluable gardening information and useful tips.